Babywearing Benefits: Free To Go Anywhere
Carrying your baby in a sling brings many benefits. Our series of Alphonse Mucha-inspired Art Nouveau posters each celebrates of these myriad of benefits.
Check out the artwork and enjoy reading some experiences from our customers of how baby slings and carriers can liberate you so that you're free to go anywhere...
Carrying your baby in a sling can be liberating, it gives you and your family the freedom to go anywhere. Using a pram or buggy can be challenging but baby slings allow you to embrace the great outdoors, walk the dog or enjoy a bit of light exercise. You can take public transport without worrying about space or navigating through busy streets without bumping into passers by.
"Using a sling kept me sane in the newborn stage. I was able to get household chores and cooking done while wearing my daughter. My daughter is now almost 21 months old and loves to go on hikes and to the store while I wear her". Nicole F
"For me babywearing simply allowed my life to become more normal again after having a child with a difficult birth. I was able to feel more like myself and do the walking that I always did (but couldn't with a pushchair), was able to keep my little one close and content for feeding and also through babywearing I have been able to meet some amazing people-it really is quite a special community! I would say to anyone, give it a go-there's such fantastic advice, support and love out there". Helen B
"Wearing my children has kept me mobile. My husband and I love nature, hiking, camping, fishing and just being outdoors and when we had our first my sis blessed us with a soft structured carrier. I didn't have to just stay home or sit in the car while my husband went out hiking, we could still go together *and* make new memories with our little baby!" Kristen W
"I think the main benefits of slinging are the freedoms it provides: You can move around off-road, down stairs, in crowded places and cluttered shop environments (at least till they start grabbing!), you can cook, clean, eat..." Lisa A
"It's been liberating - once I could wear her I had the confidence to head out the house, having stayed in for most of the first couple of weeks. Wearing has meant we can go places without a bulky buggy [...]. Now she's a toddler who loves to walk and sling is so much easier to take along for when she's tired and nothing beats a sling nap! Lydia M
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