Options for buying, selling and trading second hand
Oscha Reloved
Extend the life of your Oscha slings and accessories and reduce their environmental impact
Oscha Preloved Stores
Oscha x Treet US/UK
This is your place to buy and sell your Oscha baby wrap, slings & accessories within the UK and within the US, from baby wraps to scarves and throws. It’s a perfect way to keep items in circulation for longer and save waste.
As a seller, you can choose to take cash or earn extra by taking Oscha store credit. Postage fees are supported and you will receive Treet's reliable customer care and resolution services to give you a smooth buying or selling journey.

Find a community, trade internationally
BST Facebook Groups
If you’re looking to buy, sell or trade second-hand check out some of the fantastic community run Oscha Facebook BST groups.
Not only can you buy and sell both locally or internationally (check the group rules to see what's possible), you can also trade. These are also great places to find thriving communities of like-minded parents. You can ask questions, get advice or just join in the chatter!
Oscha Slings International Community (OSIC)
Oscha Slings Vente et Échange France Belgique
We love Oscha - German speaking group
Friends of Oscha Slings Germany
Please note that these are community run groups and not affiliated with Oscha.
Wraptrack is an online baby wearing community with market for new and preloved baby carriers, a huge catalogue for inspiration, make-your-own-baby-carrier-collection, reviews and more!