Get Advice & Try Before You Buy
Sling Libraries & Consultants
Learn how to find hands on help and support in your community for using a baby sling.
Join an Oscha Sling Meet in Edinburgh
Try Oscha baby carriers, woven wraps & Ring Slings. Meet like-minded parents. See demos & advice from qualified sling consultants.
Edinburgh IKEA - 10.45 - 12.15 Come to the cafe area.
Teaming up with the Bonnie Sling Library:
Friday 14th March 10 - 11am
Tuesday 22nd April 10.45 - 12.15pm
Tuesday 20th May 10.45 - 12.15pm
Marchmont St Giles' Parish Church - We may plan more dates for 2025 at this venue. If you'd be interested in attending please let us know via the chat or email info@oschaslings.com
FREE to attend, drop in for a chat!

What is a Sling Library?
At a sling library, you can hire a baby wrap, ring sling or carrier for a small fee so you can try it out for a few weeks.
Often these are run by a trained Carrying Consultant or they may also be hosted by enthusiastic babywearers who want to share the love!
Either way they are a great opportunity to see what's out there and receive help and advice. Some offer an online hiring service.
Often they are also a place to go for a community meet up where you can chat to like-minded parents.
Scroll down for a list of sling libraries that carry Oscha's.

What is a Carrying Consultant
A Carrying Consultant (also known as a Sling or Babywearing Consultant) is someone who has received professional training to provide one to one advice and support centred around your babywearing needs.
They may also host group classes or peer-to-peer training and many also offer online sessions.
Consultants can advise you on which type of sling might be work well for you, give you an opportunity to try out a range of slings, and help you with any carries or particular issues you may have.
They can help you learn how to carry twins or your baby and toddler and you can come back for multiple sessions to build your skills or for when you need fresh advice as your family grows.
Scroll down for a list of Consultants who hold Oscha stock.

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Join to receive discounted slings, free educational materials and earn commission on sales.
We're delighted to work with over 40 sling libraries and around 240 certified consultants, midwives and doulas in around 30 countries. Join Us!
Sign Up NowFind a Local Sling Library or Carrying Consultant
Use the filters on the map below to find a local group or consulatant. You can also slect if there's a particular sling type (wrap, ring sling or Cairis) you want to know if they stock. This map will also filter for Oscha retailers.