5 Reasons Baby Carrying is Great for Dads

5 Reasons Baby Carrying is Great for Dads

Learn about the benefits for Dad's of using baby sling from fellow parents.
The Benefits of Using a Baby Carrier Reading 5 Reasons Baby Carrying is Great for Dads 6 minutes Next The Oscha Story

Why are Baby Carriers Good for Men to Use?

Carrying your little one close brings a connection unlike any other. It can support bonding and attachment, and aid mental and emotional development. Using a baby sling is a true joy with many wonderful benefits for your family. We look at the top 5 reasons baby carrying is great for dads.

Babywearing can be especially good for new fathers who may be concerned about bonding and caring for newborns. Many fathers are looking for a way to support their partner and to form strong bonds with their children. Using a baby carrier can be a great way for new dads to achieve this.

We spoke to customers and members of our community group Clan Oscha to see what dads thought was so special about using a baby carrier.

1. Best for Bonding

If you are a dad, you may feel that your partner has a ready-made connection to this new life, but you do too! Holding a newborn close in a soft, supportive baby carrier, allowing them to hear your beating heart and familiar voice, reassures them straight away.

Holding a child close produces the hormone oxytocin in both the caregiver and the baby. This has a calming effect on you both and facilitates the bonding process. Using a baby carrier also makes skin-to-skin contact easy. This is something new dads can do straight away with newborns as well as with growing infants.


5 Reasons Baby Carrying is Great for Dads


For me, it's the closeness. You're not encumbered by pushchairs and are free to explore whilst having a cuddle at the same time. It really helps with bonding during the times I'm home from work and with my family


2. Get Out & About Easily

By using a baby carrier you'll be able to take your newborn out into the world to experience new things every day. Getting on and off buses is a breeze, taking the dog for a walk is easy, and strolling down to the park is simple. Finding space in your favourite coffee shop is as straightforward as finding seats for two.

Baby carriers allow you to get on with everyday life, chores and all. You will have your hands-free to care for other little ones, or just make the task at hand easier.


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Babywearing is a lifesaver. It allows my wife to have some me time and I know I will be able to put my child to sleep easily. In fact, my son is so used to it, he will point to the carrier to show me he wants to nap. I love carrying my son when we travel or go on trips, it allows me to have free hands while my son is high enough to see the exciting things around.


3. Settle Baby Quickly

Carried babies cry less and sleep more, so that's win and win for all parents! Using a baby carrier is a great way to settle your little one quickly. If he is suffering with reflux or colic, the upright position in a woven carrier can be immensely soothing.

Caring for your child and calming her by holding her close to your body is a wonderful feeling that is made effortless by using a woven carrier.


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Carrying my son gives me the chance to bond with him as we are much closer and have more interaction. With him being older now, he wants to be let down more so that time is even more special and precious. Babywearing helps to calm him when he is tired and also keeps my hands free!


4. Support Healthy Development

Using an ergonomic baby carrier promotes healthy physical development; guarding against Flat Head Syndrome, helping healthy hip development and giving your child all important 'tummy time'.

Carriers are also great for little one's mental development. By holding your little one close you are able to react quickly to their cues, enabling them to experience new things while feeling secure and calm. Research has proven that babies develop best when they feel relaxed and safe during these early months.


Baby carrying dad using a ring sling


I feel close to my sons when I wear them


5. Share Your Hobbies

Bonding doesn't stop as your baby grows. Another great thing we hear from fathers is how carriers allow them to share their hobbies with their children. While a toddler might not be able to go on a five-mile hike, you can certainly carry her in comfort using a breathable baby sling or carrier.

Whatever hobbies you want to share, carriers will make it easier to bring your family along with you, and sharing the experiences together will help form bonds, and memories, for life.


Baby carrying dad using a baby carrier


Our baby carrier is undeniably the best investment we have made for our parenthood. Having twin girls can be challenging to manage but our baby carrier makes it is so much more convenient.


These are just the top 5 reasons baby carrying is great for dads. There are many reasons baby carriers should be an integral part of the fathering tool kit, enabling you to take an active parenting role, bonding with your little one and settling him quickly, with your hands-free to help out.


Read on for some reasons the Dads of Clan Oscha love their baby carriers.


Baby carrying dad a using woven wrap


I carry this little dude daily and this sling has been my favorite for over a year.



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The best part of it is the closeness, love, and comfort the baby feels being close to you.



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Just the closeness to my son, his security and satisfaction in the time when I wear it is worth it.



Dad using a baby carrier


Thanks for letting me babywear so easily and comfortably yesterday so my girlfriend could ride rollercoasters all day. I love my [Oscha carrier] Nook, especially since my girlfriend and I met each other in the mountains and we are crazy Tolkien geeks. So this carrier means the world to us.