Baby Slings are for Men too! Conversations with Dads on Why they Use Baby Carriers
Sometimes as a father, you may feel that your partner already has a strong bond with your baby after carrying them throughout pregnancy. But you of course have a bond with them too, babywearing can enhance this as it’s an opportunity for you to carry your baby close and have some one on one time. At the newborn stage this will allow them to get used to your voice, listen to your heartbeat and create a safe environment for baby. As they grow older this bonding time continues and it can let you get out & about easily.
We spoke to some of the dads in the Oscha Slings community who regularly carry their little one to see how they got into using a baby sling and why they continue to carry.
Were you quite keen to try using baby slings at the start or were you skeptical? If so, what changed?
I always knew I would be wearing our son, albeit by different means. Growing up my dad carried my sister and me in structured carriers on hiking trips, and I knew I wanted to do the same from the beginning. Our son was colicky in the first months of life, and during that time one of the few things that would make him calm was to walk outside. I ended up wearing him a lot in soft-sided carriers. So when Linda, my wife, began wearing Theo in wraps, I was game to try.

I was afraid it would be too complicated. I was intimidated by baby wraps and I felt that soft structured carriers were more simple and easy to use. My wife taught me how to use a baby wrap and our Cairis, and I felt more confident to use them afterwards.
Pierre-Loïc, originally was more sceptical about woven wraps.
What's your favourite sling type, style & colour & why?
Finding a sling that works for you, and choosing a design that you like is an important part of your journey. You are much more likely to enjoy regularly using it this way and as you can see different slings work for different people.
I generally prefer to use the ring slings - they’re the only ones I can get Theo and me into without significant help from my wife. I struggle with wrapping that requires a lot of knots and passes. From an aesthetic perspective, I prefer solid-colored wraps or wraps where the gradient is more subtle. Although I enjoy wrapping, and don’t mind people seeing me wrap, really bold designs aren’t what I gravitate to in my clothing or accessories.
My absolute favourite is our Okinami Solaruppras Baby Cairis from the Fire and Ice preorder. The colours are magical and I have amazing memory with my daughter in this carrier. I love the Okinami pattern. The Cairis is for me the best option, more simple to use than a baby wrap and more comfortable than a SCC.

“My husband prefers soft structured carriers (SSCs) over other carriers. We recently got a nook and he has now claimed that carrier as his own.” - Becka
How do you feel carrying your child in a baby sling has added to fatherhood for you?

I can’t imagine not wearing my son. There are the practical benefits, of course, but more important has been the opportunity to be physically close, particularly in his first months of life. The moments when we’re together while I’m carrying him are among the most cherished that I have.
I love carrying my daughter because it makes me feel closer to her everyday, and I love all our cuddles.
What's your favourite part of carrying your baby in a sling?
The clearest benefit of baby wearing for me is its flexibility. During paternity leave we took walks while I carried him for a few miles every day - he needed to be outside and had no interest in the stroller. Now, my wife and I are able to take him to locations he never would be able to get to with a stroller, and he has the flexibility to go up and down to explore. He’s able to see more of the world, and we’re able to get around less encumbered than we otherwise would be.
When we are travelling, we are free to go wherever we want, on every path, and I am so proud to show her the wonders of the world.
What would your top tip be for other dads looking to carry their baby in a sling? Perhaps you have any resources you'd recommend?

Generally, I would encourage folks to think about the kind of excursion they’re trying to go on with their child, and find the style that most directly supports making that excursion easiest (e.g., a highly structured carrier for hikes over rough terrain, a ring sling for city walks with toddlers who want to go up and down).
I would definitely recommend other dads to take babywearing classes. I was lucky enough that my wife was a more experienced wrapper, and she eventually became a babywearing consultant herself!
Find a carrier that is comfortable for you is so important. My husband's advice would be to choose something that is comfortable for you and something you would be willing and to wear in public. I use that philosophy for my wraps and carriers as well.