Oscha Community: "Using a baby sling can be tricky but keep going - it's worth it!"

Oscha Community: "Using a baby sling can be tricky but keep going - it's worth it!"

Britspun Cottons: Made in Great Britain Reading Oscha Community: "Using a baby sling can be tricky but keep going - it's worth it!" 2 minutes Next My Baby Doesn't Like the Baby Carrier

Finding it hard to get the hang of your woven wrap or baby sling? Read on for advice and tips from parents who have been there & know exactly how you are feeling.

Wrapping is a skill that certainly takes a little time to perfect. We asked our facebook group, Clan Oscha, what their top tips would be for people just getting started and we were so happy to share their encouraging responses.

Find the full thread & join the Clan for more advice here.

My tip is to keep learning new carries as you go so that you can find something suitable as your LO gets heavier.

I moved from DH to DSS2S (double sling shoulder to shoulder) when the kids hit about 3 and it enabled me to carry for a long time comfortably. I discovered then that its not all about finding the chunkiest, most supportive wrap (although obviously that can be great too!), and a lot about the carry and technique. This is how I happily used my cotton/bamboo viscose wrap all the way until our wrapping days were done!

Zoe Masters, Oscha Founder

Need a hand getting started with your baby carrier? Head over to our Youtube channel to watch our instructional videos.
Want to learn more? Visit the our Getting Started page.