The Common Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms of Babywearing
What does FWCC mean? What do the TICKS guidelines stand for? And what does it mean if someone is DISO?
If you’re new to woven wraps, slings and baby carriers then you’ve probably asked yourself what do these sling abbreviations stand for? The language of the sling world, particularly the acronyms and abbreviations, used can be confusing and overwhelming if you’re just starting out. Read our simple guide to understanding babywearing acronyms, from the buy, sell, trade world to different carries, you can learn what all these sling terms mean!
Our A-Z will help you understand the lingo of the sling world.
General Terms & Abbreviations
BW - Babywearing
FB - Full buckle
A structured carrier with buckle waistband and shoulder straps.
HB - Half buckle
A cross between a Full Bucker carrier and a Meh Dai and a Full Buckle, with a buckle waistband and tie on shoulder straps.
Starry Night Gold Dust Cairis - A Half Buckle Carrier
RS - Ring Sling
Learn more about ring slings here.
SSC - Soft Structured Carrier
TICKS - An acronym for safe babywearing:
Tight, In View, Close Enough to Kiss, Keep Chin Off Chest, Supported Back.
Follow the helpful checklist.
WC - Wrap Conversion
Wrapping terms and acronyms -
BWCC - Back Wrap Cross Carry
CB - Chest Belt
CCC - Charlie’s Cross Carry
CCCB - Candy Cane Chest Belt. A type of fancy finish.
DH - Double Hammock
DHDR - Double Hammock Double Rings
FCC - Front Cross Carry
FWCC - Front Wrap Cross Carry
A Front Wrap Cross Carry with Ancients of Gondor Ithildin
HCC - Hip Cross Carry
HJBC - Half Jordan's Back Carry
JBC - Jordan’s Back Carry
MM - Middle Marker
A label marking the middle of a wrap.
PWCC - Pocket Wrap Cross Carry
This is the most common way to tie a stretchy wrap.
RRR - Rear Reinforced Ruck, also known as Pirate Carry.
RTAS - Ruck Tied At Shoulder
RTIF - Ruck Tied In Front
RTT - Ruck Tied Tibetan
RTUB - Ruck Tied Under Bum
SBCC - Short Back Cross Carry
SHBC - Secure High Back Carry
TAS - Tied At Shoulder
TIF - Tied In Front
TT - Tied Tibetan. A knotless style of tying off a wrap
TUB - Tied Under Bum
Terms Used in Selling Groups
BNIB – Brand New In Box
BNIP – Brand New In Package
BSS - Buy Swap Sell
BST - Buy Sell Trade
CISO - Casually In Search Of
DISO - Desperately In Search Of
DOND - Deal Or No Deal
EUC – Excellent Used Condition
FSO - For Sale Only
FSOT - For Sale Or Trade
Misty Mountains Aduial Ring Sling
FTO - For Trade Only
GUC – Good Used Condition
HAS - Highly Sought After
HE Feedback - High End Feedback. Seller feedback, required by some BST groups.
HTF - Hard To Find
ISO - In Search Of
MMARO – Make Me A Reasonable Offer
NWT – New With Tags
NWOT – New Without Tags
Willow Esprit Woven Wrap
OOAK - One Of A Kind
PM - Private Message
STIH - Soft Tape In Hand
VGUC - Very Good Used Condition