6 Reasons to Babywear this Christmas
Benefits of Using a Sling During the Festive Season
We want to talk about how to enjoy Christmas and how babywearing can help you make the most of Thanksgiving and Christmas. This festive season, let's take the opportunity to slow down and enjoy the time spent with loved ones, away from the usual hustle-bustle of the year.
It's now, more than ever we really appreciate the time we get to spend together with family. Whether it's video calls with relatives, Christmas activities with friends or cuddle time with your little one - babywearing is your best friend. And here's why...

1. Send a Cuddle
After all, being together with your loved ones is what the festive season is all about. Babywearing is one of the most wonderful gifts of all so why not introduce babywearing to a friend?
If you are unable to see the new arrivals in your family we know how much you'll be looking forward to giving them that cuddle in person, but until then send them a cuddle with a woven wrap or ring sling and introduce them to the joy of babywearing.

2. Hands-Free To Get On With Whatever You Need To
Whether you are hosting at your house, or helping out at someone else's you can be rushing around. But your little one can still be demanding on your time.
This is where your baby carrier can help, keeping you handsfree to get on with whatever you need to - whether that's making a meal, going for a walk or opening presents!
All of our baby carriers, wraps and ring slings can be worn on your front or back (when your baby is over 4 months and has good head control), meaning you can keep them close in whatever way works best for you.
Check out our blog on getting started with back carries here.
3. Time For Bonding
While a joyous occasion, it can also be a difficult time of year for many.
The benefits of skin-to-skin time can really be beneficial for both parent and child at this time of year as this all-important contact releases oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, and strengthens the beautiful bond between you and your baby.
And what better present than cuddles with your little ones on Christmas day?
Check out our blog post on how babywearing can help with postnatal depression here.

4. Helps Comfort Children
The Festive season is a period where your little one has their extended family round and can be the centre of attention. But some children need more time and affection and that's okay.
One of the biggest babywearing myths is that it makes children 'clingy' (a term that really means a child is looking to have their needs met). Babywearing calms your little one and can mean they cry less.
There is no such thing as spoiling your baby with cuddles as it helps create secure attachment bonds, encouraging your little one to feel safe enough to trust and make relationships with others.
This is also true for toddlers and ring slings are perfect for quick ups and downs for a fretting toddler.

5. Social Development For Your Little One
The festive season is an excellent time for your child's social development as they are often held and cooed over by lots of friends and family members.
Although this might not be possible for everyone babywearing allows you to easily hold and talk to them, which relaxes them and has a significant impact on their emotional and communication development.
Read more about Babywearing Benefits here.

6. Keep Each Other Cosy
Last but not least, using a sling with your little one gives you both a little bit of extra warmth, it is like having your own little hot water bottle cosied up against your chest on Christmas day.
If you are going for walks to see your loved ones and want to keep your little one wrapped up warm, babywearing can really help in regulating their body temperature, whilst keeping you cosy at the same time!
Take a look at our top tips for carrying in cold weather here.