6 Wacky Ways To Use Your Baby Sling This Christmas
We know that at Christmas time we can see our waste increase, however, there are so many great ways you can be more sustainable this year. Here at Oscha, we've come up with six creative uses for an item we're sure you all have in your home, a baby sling! As well as reducing waste they are fun and we all love having the opportunity to admire our beautiful baby slings and wraps. Why not give these a try this year and let us know how you get on, share your photos in our Clan Oscha Facebook group, or tag us on Instagram.
1. Decorate Your Tree with Oscha

Tree skirts are great after Christmas day when the tree can look a little bare without the presents underneath. Instead of buying a new one why not use the baby wrap that you already have. Make the bottom of your tree look as beautiful as the tree itself by wrapping the base with your baby wrap. It's a great opportunity to show off your beautiful sling fabric, especially if you have one in deep jewel, Christmassy colours. Alternatively, try using it as a garland around your tree!
2. A Festive Table Runner
Most of us gather around the table for a festive meal with our loved ones, tucking into our Christmas dinner. Part of making it special is the table decorations. Whether you're hosting or heading to a loved one's house on the 25th, why not use your baby wrap as the table runner, the colours can really help add a magical and festive feel to the table. Take it off when the food arrives or use an easy-care wrap that you can wash afterwards. This can be used year after year and prevents any disposable runners from going to waste.
3. Wrap Your Christmas Gifts
Wrapping gifts in fabric has become more popular over the years. Have you considered using your baby wrap or ring sling? In the UK alone it is estimated that we will use 227,000 miles of wrapping paper this Christmas*. Coming up with creative ways just like this to wrap presents is an amazing sustainable option, while still creating beautiful parcels. You can also create a 'santa sack' with an Oscha wrap to hold Christmas gifts.
4. Christmas Games
We think Christmas games are a must! They get the whole family involved and are always a fun activity. You don't need to go out and buy a new game this year though as we have a great idea you can try. You might have heard of the Halloween game 'wrap the mummy', well we've put a twist on this.
- Wrap up two of your loved ones in an equal number of wraps (this is perfect for those of you who have an impressive stash). You can make it harder by adding a few knots or interweaving the wraps.
- Two family members will then compete to see who can unwrap their 'Present' the fastest.

5. A Christmas Eve Fort
Christmas eve is a very exciting time, especially for your little ones. This can make bedtime that bit harder. This year why not try creating a fort out of your Oscha wraps for them to sleep in? It's a great way to make bedtime special and encourage them to head through to their bedroom. Or just do it as a fun Christmas Eve activity.

6. Decorate Your Stair Banister
And finally, another great idea to decorate your house more sustainably this year. Decorate your staircase banister with your wrap or ring sling. Drape or spiral it around your banister, go a step further and wrap some fairy lights around your wrap for some added sparkle.

Source: *https://www.gwp.co.uk/guides/christmas-packaging-facts/

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