Customer Stories: Is it OK to ask for a baby sling as a gift?
Oscha customer, Carina Novello, takes a look at this common question from babywearers … “Is it OK to ask for a baby sling as a gift?
If you're anything like me, all you probably want this year is another baby wrap, ring sling, or carrier. But how do you ask for that without feeling weird? I never thought it was an odd request until I told my parents I wanted a wrap for my birthday and they looked at me like I was crazy.
“Are you pregnant again? My dad asked. “Zaki is almost 2.
“How many wraps does Zaki need? My mom asked. “You already have an entire chest of drawers full of them.
They both were silent for a minute and then my mom said, “Why would I buy something for Zaki on your birthday?
I simply explained to them, baby wraps are not only for babies. Sure, babies like to be held and cuddled and often fall asleep in our wraps. But wraps are so much more than just a means to be close to our children.

Carina opening her Oscha gift!
Wraps are stylish accessories
For those of us that love fashion, once we became moms, a lot of our wardrobe staples had to change. Cashmere sweaters? Gone. Designer bags? Gone. Suede boots? Also gone. Intricate dainty necklaces? Gone, gone, and gone. Who wants to have expensive things broken, chewed on, and thrown up on? Not me. Stylish baby wraps replace all that.
There is something that happens when you become a mother that cannot be explained. Obviously, we now have a new little human that we are responsible for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We give up so much. Gone are the days where we can spend two hours putting on makeup and curling our hair. We're even lucky to shower most days.
So on the days that we have a screaming baby clinging to us for warmth and comfort, what better accessory is there to give them what they need than a baby wrap? Wraps help moms feel beautiful even in sweatpants, a mom bun and spit-up running down our faces. At least there is one thing we know we can always turn to to make everyone happier – including ourselves, and that is a wrap, a sling, or a carrier.

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Wraps are art
When wraps outlive their functionality, their usefulness does not end. There are many ways baby wraps can be repurposed once moms are done wearing.
My oldest still uses his favorite wrap as a blanket on cold days. They can be turned into shawls for a night out or even a day at the office. And there are many moms and companies that turn scraps into different items: purses, scarves, jackets, skirts, dresses, and (my personal favorite) stuffed animals. After all, what better way than to repurpose your baby's favorite wrap into a stuffed animal they can hold onto forever?
There are so many things that can be created with wraps. Those things help us hold on to the precious moments we had with our children. They can also help our children hold on to childhood just a little longer, because we all know that time is too short.

But most importantly, wraps are memories
Everyone keeps certain special things for their grandkids. Growing up, we moved a lot. I've lived in six different states. You know what my mom kept of all of my baby items? My crib. She moved my crib six times just so I could use it for my kids and then I didn't end up using it. All that stress was wasted.
But you know what is easy to move and pack away? A baby wrap. I cannot think of any greater joy as a mother than to someday see my son or daughter-in-law wrap my grandchild in one of the same baby wraps that I wore my sons in. I have a few that I will be keeping forever just for this reason.

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As children, we never understand a parent's love for us until we become parents ourselves. The bond that comes from holding your babies close, warm, and safe in a wrap is one of the best parts of parenthood. So why not pass that along to your grandchildren and children in the future? That is one of the greatest gifts you can give.
This year, I'm not going to feel awkward asking for another baby sling. Maybe the time is short. Maybe the funds are limited. Maybe you need something conventional. But maybe you also need to feel beautiful. All of these are valid reasons for wanting another wrap. Think of all the memories you will have forever once the time has passed. Of everything we've sacrificed to become mothers, a baby wrap is a beautiful reminder of who we still are.

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