Important Safety Warning - Onbuhimo Product Recall (30/8/24)
We have made the decision to recall the Oscha Onbuhimo carrier due to a fault with the shoulder strap attachment to the body panel. It is pertinent that we secure the shoulder strap further on all of the Onbuhimos due to a safety risk.

We will be contacting all customers who have purchased an Onbuhimo today to arrange the return, repair and re-shipment of their carrier at Oscha’s cost. 

If you own an Onbuhimo (even if it is second hand) you must stop using it, reply to our email or contact us directly via

We sincerely apologise for this error and have put new steps in place across our production and product development teams to ensure this will never happen again. To confirm, none of our other carriers are affected.

Here is a Q&A for further information:

Which products are affected?
All Oscha Onbuhimo produced before September 2024

What exactly is the problem?
There has not been enough shoulder strap webbing inserted into the body panel of the carrier and this has not been reinforced with our safety stitches as is present on all other Oscha carriers.

Have there been any accidents from the fault?
No, there have not been any accidents due to the fault.

Is the product safe to continue using?
No, we believe the product is not safe for use.

Did the carrier pass safety testing?
Yes, the carrier passed the Physical Mechanical: ASTM F2236 / 16 CFR 1226 Soft Infant Carriers safety test. We are in contact with the testing company for further information on how the carrier passed the safety test.

How many customers are affected?
66 customers have been affected.

Should I be worried about my other Oscha carriers?
We have checked the other Oscha carriers, all of which are not affected and are safe to use.

What will you be doing to make sure this doesn't happen again?
We are adding several safety double-check points throughout our product development process. We have conducted an investigation and will produce further materials for staff to reinforce safety processes.

Will I receive a new product?
We will carry out a repair on your Onbuhimo by adding more webbing into the body panel and adding reinforcement stitches to secure it in place.

Can I have a refund?
You may request a refund once we receive your carrier back to Oscha HQ.

What should I do now?
If you have an Onbuhimo, contact Oscha customer service on or respond to the email we have sent you.

When will I get my carrier back?
We will repair your carrier and ship it back to you within 14 working days of the delivery back to us.

If I have not yet received an Onbuhimo from a preorder or made to order, will it be safe?
Yes, we will add the extra webbing into the body panel and secure it with the reinforcement stitching to make it completely safe.

How will you get in touch with everyone?
We are sharing the recall information on social media, and contacting the customers affected directly via email. We will follow up with customers who don’t reply with written letters and phone calls.